Wednesday 4 May 2011

Walking around Venice!

Very, very handsome!
The Rialto Bridge
 A couple of baby boomers!  (Another one to check off the bucket list!)

Our first full day here and we had our breakfast  beside the canal.........fabulous croissants, french food I know but they were fantastic! ( I did have Lasagne last night!!!)
We have really had a great time today just casually strolling in and out all the alley ways and past the canals. The weather has been bright and sunny mainly and nice and warm. The highlight of the day was the Gondola ride...we ummmed and ahhhhed as to whether to go on one or not as it cost 100 euros but I am so glad we did, we loved it and the gondolieri seem to be in general pretty good looking too! Ours was in particular so I am putting a pic up!!!!! (cheap thrills!!!LOL) Interestingly enough my cousin has a photo of the fellow on the gondola she went on too!!!
Hope you enjoy todays pics!

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