Wednesday 18 May 2011

Day we left Prague!

A couple of dorks having fun!

The cemetery has lovely pot plants everywhere.
Nice candle wall sconce, one each side of the bed.... vanilla candles perhaps?
(double click for skull close up)
I think Beacon should get a couple of these in!!!
Stephen (ABOVE) in The Ossuary  (are those blurry people on the right spooks???)
Double click for larger pic.
Hi well this was the day we left Prague, we both really enjoyed it and decided to do a short tour out to Kutna Hora. An Australian couple had recommended the tour to us in Berlin. Anyway to cut a long story short we thought we were going to see a church and the mint. We did this but also to our utter surprise we saw a church filled with everything made from human bones....unreal!!! We'd never seen anything like it and were fascinated by it. It's not creepy just astounding!!!!

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