Wednesday 18 May 2011


My photographer pointing at The Arc de Triomphe du Carousel built by Napoleon 1806-1808
On our way to the Arc de Triomphe, The Eiffel Tower closer!
The Eiffel Tower and moi!!
The Pompidou Centre (modern art) it has all the air con ducting, steel supporting struts, lifts and escalators on the outside.(Click on for a closer look)
Well we got to Paris after a 45minute delay to our Easyjet flight at 12.30p.m. The guy from our hotel was there to pick us up as he said he would for the 30 minute drive. We were so glad to be here after being up early for the short tour we went on in Prague.
Paris is as unique as always, very busy and very interesting. We walked all the way up to The Arc de Triomphe today, must be about 4klms at least! We dropped in to the Pompidou Centre and the L'Orangerie Museum and both were closed so we'll go back tomorrow. It didn't really matter as we just walked in the warm sun taking our time sitting every so often on the many seats along the way. It's so nice just to sit and watch everyone go by. The Jardin (garden) des Tuileries is lovely.
Us at the Louvre, some fellow tourists took this for us!
Well thats all for this post, I hope you like the pics!


  1. Hi Trace

    The pics of Prague have been fantastic but that church is something else. You have convinced me that I need to go and see Prague. I found every photo you posted so interesting and now you are in Paris, it is always to such a pleasure to see the beauty of Paris.


  2. Hi Jan
    Yes Prague was really interesting, we did have such a good time there. Paris is lovely too, we went to the L'Orangerie gallery today, maybe you've been there too. It was really good,we don't spend hours in these places but liked this one immensely.Hope all is well with you,

  3. Great pics.

    That building looks crap, looks a building under construction and covered in scaffolding.

    Will try to email you some more photos, did you see the one from LA I sent you?

  4. Yes Scott that was a great pic near the star,thats the only one we have seen. Sorry I didn't get back to you on that! Will check the mail again tonight!
    Enjoy yourself in the USA! Mum

  5. Paris wow you are there........but what were the French thinking with that building
    with the modern art stuff.

    I wish I was there, it's so pretty.

    I'm sure your French lessons are coming in very handy.

    I ways amazed at how pretty Prague was, truly had no idea.

  6. Pomidou Centre looks bad... :/. Looks really amazing!

  7. Hi Michelle, yes the Pompidou Centre is pretty weird looking.The french has helped with ordering food without a doubt but as for speaking it, they speak so quickly I haven't a hope!!!!!!Another 7 years of lessons at least needed for that.
    It would be good if you were here too, especially shopping wise!!!!!

  8. Hey Ben sorry to hear about the steaks! You want to burn a cheaper cut!!!! Sausages perhaps!!! Good to here from you the other night or should I say morning at 1.30 a.m! (LOL)
    Miss you Mum and Dad x
