Saturday, 14 May 2011

Some more Berlin pics...

The Berlin train station we left for Prague from..........goodbye Berlin hello Prague!!!

This is what a typical East Berlin kitchen was like............look out Manu!!!! (Sorry for the stiff sort of smile but my photographer takes about 5 mins each pic to get it just right and I can only hold a grin for so long!!!!!!!!!!)
Typical sewing machine used in East Berlin before the wall came down....what a beauty!!!
These plaques are on pavements in areas where Jewish people were taken and put in concentration camps. They show just how truly awful it all was for them.


A very famous escape pic from East Berlin before the wall came down.
Thought I'd put up some of the Berlin pics I had planned to post before Blogger went off line for maintenance! A lot relate to the Berlin wall as I found the history of it all fascinating. Hope you find them interesting too.
There were apparently a lot of Punks in East Berlin. The East German government was not very thrilled about that!
(NB David your ozzwald follower pic didn't come up again!)


  1. Hi Trace

    I saw your original pics of the watch and the shoes and posted a comment but they lost it too. Never mind, I agree a girl can never have too much bling. When you click on the pic you can really see the detail and the mother of pearl in the face, very pretty. Thanks for the photos of East Berlin. It is all very interesting.


  2. Compared to our train stations that looks like royalty.

    Very interesting Berlin photos!
