Monday 30 May 2011

Monaco Grand & a glimpse of Prince Albert!

Stephen before  all the crowd was seated!
  Prince Albert and his fiancee leaving after the race.
Yachts......(Not big enough!!!!) View of the crowd in one of the overlooking buildings (above)
Mark pic. Double click for close up
All of the drivers prior to the race.
View across the track from our seats.
Hi everyone,boy today has been hectic! It's 11.18 p.m as I post this..good way to wind down. First though before I start the pic I put up last post of the view out our window was in fact a view from outside the hotel on the footpath! I have put up the bedroom view in this post!
The Grand Prix is an amazing event, it was pretty hot in the stands but at least there was a sea breeze to cool us a bit. We had water with us too of course. No one seems to wear hats around here and they all (well it seems like all) smoke. Its amazing to see people light up left right and centre!
Vettel won for Red Bull but it was great to see Webber come fourth. There is a huge screen to watch as well as the track view. The noise is absolutely deafening!!!! You have to have ear plugs or I'm sure you'd get hearing damage. There was one crash in the race and it was right near us, the guy went to hospital and they covered the way with blankets like they do so you couldn't see him. It was all spectacular.
After the race on our way home we saw people gathered outside a building along with  Police and thats when we saw Prince Albert and his fiancee! That was a pleasant surprise although they were gone in a second!! A bit of trivia......I checked on Google and Prince Albert supposedly has two illegitimate kids and his fiancee is 32 and he's 52. Still they do look good together!!!!
This is the view from our room, notice all the guys around the swimming pool....think they all came for the Grand Prix.
Last but not least the Yachts are amazing, huge!!!! One I saw from the bus on the way to Monaco had a helicopter on the back, that'd be handy if you needed to pop out for groceries!
NB Sorry, I am having trouble getting the captions on under the pics! Blogger is playing up!


  1. Gee holidays with the Royals........Wow look at all those Yachts. Image how much money would be floating there. I think I would have been to scared to point the camera at the Prince!!!! Knowing my luck I would have been taken in as a security risk for sure (lol). Hope your arms arent too sore from holding up the Aussie flag high all day.

    The view from your room is very pretty. I am sure it was a great day, not to many of us can say "We have been to the Monaco Grand Prix".

    Take care guys look forward to your next post.

  2. Opps........Maybe I should have checked my comment before I posted just notice something.

    I meant to say Imagine how much money would be floating there.
