Wednesday 25 May 2011

Gordes & Roussillon...... Provence

Just had to show you this...where Stephen is pointing is a mens Urinal. It's right where you walk near the footpath !!!! At least it was free though, everywhere you go you pay to get in just about, can't wait to have my ensuite's free LOLTalk about up close and personal! LOL He gave this one a miss!!!
Look at this poser!!!! ( Even funnier was a guys broken down Ferrari that we came past on the way back to the hotel, now that would be embarrassing!)
Wild poppies grow on the edge of the road, aren't they pretty!
Colourful walls in Provence
The little lane where I bought my pottery in Gordes. (Sorry about the air conditioner, I didn't notice it when I took the pic.)
It was so hot here.
The photographer at work just out of Gordes
Today was the absolute hottest day we have had to date! At one stage when we got back into the car it said 38 degrees, consequently I spent most of the time with a pounding headache!! (Finally managed to be headache free tonight!) Nevertheless we saw some wonderful scenery. We also picked a day when the markets were on in Gordes so there were too many people around but we could still see it was a lovely place.  I still managed to buy a small piece of the local pottery that I thought was nice.
View of Gordes
Its been a lovely holiday but if there is one downside it is finding places to eat. The french only seem to have coffee at breakfast or after dinner and then there is the rule of only being able to sit down when you eat if you order a full dinner at lunchtime, there are very few places to sit with a sandwich or similar unless you're in the cities and the wonder of places like Starbucks are available. I have become a fan of Starbucks to get my hit of coffee. I'm sure the Americans must find it tedious not to be able to get "corfee" when they want it too! There are lots of Americans everywhere we go, they seem to love travel, I have actually spoken to a few American women on and off and they have been nice people.
Well off to Avignon and beyond tomorrow, stay posted.......


  1. Hi what a pretty place, Trace you have done well showing us so many different things from tourist attractions to normal day to day things. Your comments are great, we get a real snapshot of your day.

    Happy birthday Stephen, I hope you manage to have cake for your birthday. What a pretty place to spend your birthday. Gee what a birthday.

    I see you are still buying Trace well done.......I am sure the markets would have been nice wondering around. I must say you look the part in that car, cruising around the countryside. Have a lovely day look forward to your next post guys.

  2. Hi Michelle I look forward to your comments too, so nice to be in contact. We're off to Avignon today, not far from here but a bigger place. I hope it's not quite as hot!!!!!!!!!
