Friday 27 May 2011

Les Baux ............c'est magnifique!!!!!!!

Red Geraniums...brilliant colour!
Noticed this little bird perched near a window in Les Baux!
I actually noticed this on our return to St Remy....cute!
"Moi" Should have fixed my hat...looks a bit out of shape! The pic above is of one of the little shops.

Les Baux, Scenery (lots of Olive trees) and Stephen firing a crossbow!
Olive trees and orchards
Magnificent views can be seen from above the village of Les Baux
A pic for "The Budster" for dogs and pigeons. They have these outside lots of cafes for the dogs!
Les Baux is magnificent, a lovely village not far from St Remy. We drove up there in about 25 to 30 minutes and the scenery when we got there was spectacular to say the least. I'll let the pics do the talking!
It was very hot again but we drank heaps of water and had hats (no one seems to wear them here much) so it was okay. .The little village is very touristy I suppose but also quaint with many little nooks and crannies (hope that is how you spell that). Stephen had a go at firing a cross bow.....look out William Tell!!! It was a bit of a thrill for all the guys around!
I have been having a bit of trouble getting the captions under the pics for some reason, sorry about that!


  1. Hi Michelle
    Could you tell Linda I haven't seen a single childs beret since I have been here. She wanted a pink one for Charli, I'm starting to think it's a myth that the french wear them or maybe it's only in Winter they sell them!Hope Buddy likes the pic!

  2. Hi Trace
    I love the scenery. No we didn't get to Provence, definitely a reason for me to go back. Isn't that thoughtful of the French to have the dish of water for the dogs and the pigeons. I love the pic of the little shop selling the wrought iron ware too, did you go in for a look?
    Here's hoping this post goes through too. Can't wait to see the pics of the Mediterranean now and the Grand Prix.

  3. Hi Trace yeh no probs I will let Linda know.

    How pretty is this place, I am sure it would be hard trying to work out which ones to post.

    How cool is the doggy bar!!!

    You have been very lucky with the weather.

  4. How sweet are the little bears in the window.

  5. Hi Jan, yes the comment came through! Provence has turned out to be really interesting, we're off to Villefranche tomorrow and the Grand Prix the day after. Yes the litle dog bars are everywhere, everybody seems to take their dogs with them on all outings!

  6. Hi Michelle, yes it's hard to decide which pics to put up.......I put up more than I intend to because of that half the time! I am always looking in all the shops but not always buying!!!!!
    Home soon! Trace
