Wednesday 11 May 2011

Hitlers Bunker

We walked all along this street, the Brandenburg Gate is at the end, no wonder our feet and legs hurt!!!  Taken from the TV tower. (double click for close up)
The park where Hitlers Bunker was.  ( very low profile spot)
Hi there everyone, sorry there won't be many pics but it takes up to an hour to load 4 pics!!!!!!!  We went to the site of Hitlers bunker today, where he committed suicide. As you can see all that remains there is a bit of a park and the sign explaining about it all, next to where the  people are gathered. The surrounding buildings are apartments, I wouldn't want to live there myself.
We also took the lift up to the top of the TV tower that looms above Berlin, 200metres high. It gave us a wonderful view, the people seem to live mainly in apartments.                       
It has been hot here the last few much so I think we might come home with a sun tan!
NB:'d love the shops here!!!!!!!!!

Tourists in Berlin!!!!!!!! The TV tower we took pics from is in the background to the left. Also the shadow on the left is from the polish guy that took our pic! Oh, the two bottoms between our heads are an unexpected feature as well!!!!!!!!! Double click for close up!!!!!

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