Tuesday 3 May 2011

25 hours to Venice!!

After 25 long hours (including a 4 hour stopover in Dubai) we arrived safely in Venice!  This place is so different............we haven't seen a lot yet apart from the area near  our hotel but have liked what we've seen so far. Amazingly the first people we met in our hotel were from Moorooka in Brisbane.
The room is lovely, very Italian and ornate but I love it.
Dubai was as busy as ever, I have added a few pics for those of you who have never seen it. We had a very enthusiastic young man serve us our coffee there and he knew we were Australians after hearing the accents of Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke!  Now wait for this.........we got an upgrade on our flight from Dubai to Venice to Business Class. Don't know how we'll be able to stand economy again after the experience. Have a look at Stephen in his seat........I think he loved it!
Well that's all for now, will put more pics up tomorrow, apparently breakfast is outside by the canal!!!
View from the terrace of our hotel.
All pics enlarge when clicked on.

This room is just so Italian....I love it!
I think my somebody likes Business class! ( All pics enlarge when clicked on.)
View of one small part of the huge Dubai airport shopping area.



  1. Hi Mum, the comments seem to be working fine now. Business class looks great - how can you go back to cattle class now....

  2. Great to see the comments are working yes cattle class is not great at all! I think we have business class from Nice to Dubai too, fingers crossed. Off to breakfast by the canal in about half an hour! Bye for now, love Mum.......stay posted!

  3. OMG it looks so pretty I love this blogg its the best. Have fun look forward to more updates Business class looks great as well. Its a tuff life have fun wish I was there

  4. Thanks Michelle yes it's a unique place!I'll get a pic of a gondola today for you!
    Take care Trace

  5. Hi Guys , looks like your both enjoying yourselves , wow business class hey ! very jealous , the view from your room is lovely . keep the photo's coming and enjoy.

  6. Hi there Hobson family, so great to have you following. Always good to hear from friends! I will keep the pics coming, this place is just magic!
