Tuesday 24 May 2011

Avignon to St Remy and the Lavender

Lavender at our hotel. (don't forget to double click if you want to see pics larger)
This place has  plaque out the front with Van Goghs name on it. Not sure if he lived here, but will no doubt find out soon. There is a Van Gogh walk to be done here in St Remy.
Isn't this fantastic!
So, so french!
At the Lavender Museum, unfortunately their Lavender doesn't flower until June.
This is pretty don't you think!
ISN'T THIS JUST LOVELY!  ST REMY (just noticed when I enlarged the pic, there's a cat in the top window)
Michelle I have a blogging addiction and a scarf buying addiction!!!! 4 so far!!!! Stephen thinks that is plenty but I'm not completely sure about that! I saw a nice blue one!!! ( Click on pic for a close up, the pink floral one is my fave!
Stephen with the convertible!!!!!!!!! Never had one before and never will again probably!!! (I might have to where a scarf when the roof is down! See  pic above for explanation!)
Gare De Lyon, Paris  (train station)  it is a massive Station
Bonjour ...ca va?
I now have time to post as we dont go to dinner until at least 7pm, the French eat late! Yesterday when we got to Avignon and picked up our car we had a minor hiccup.....no address for the Hotel in St Remy. We had the phone number but ended up getting a fellow from the car hire place to phone ahead so we could put the address into the GPS. After  that slightly stressful setback we set off, driving on the right hand side, eyes peeled and reminding ourselves to stay on the right!!!! In Brisbane Stephen often says "I'll have to get you a wheel" if I add helpful comments but here he's more than happy to have Hyacinth Bucket next to him!!!!!! LOL . I spent the afternoon today leaning to the left in the car (subconciously), that helps make sure the car is not too close to the side of the road!!!!! Anyway we had a lovely day and drove to the Lavender Museum at Coutellet I think that is how you spell it , I hope you enjoy the pics  Trace


  1. Bonjour Trace..... comment allez vous?

    Now this is the part of France I love the most, country France and especially I am so interested in Provence as I love the colours and decorating that comes out of this part of the world. Tell Stephen we have a Renault malligne over here in our auction yard at the moment as it didn't sell at auction last time. It may be waiting for you to buy when you get back home. I just love your scarfs especially the one on the right. I have a bit of a fetish for scarfs too when I get started. I am addicted to your blog and will experience withdrawals when you come back home. In the meantime enjoy, as we are enjoying the pics so much.


  2. Hi Trace

    I mean magane, don't know where I got malligne from. Our car in our yard is white, I much prefer the red one.


  3. Hey Trace I see you have been shopping again with the lavender bag in your hand. You also seem to be a cute car magnet I think they are pretty cool, I can see you driving along with your scarf blowing in the breeze in your convertible driving along the country side.

    My favourite scarf was the one on the far left........I love them all, well done.

    I hope the volcanic ash from Ireland doesn't effect your flights, as they are saying all flights from Italy France & London will be grounded today due to the ash...... But hey if you have to stay longer what a pretty place to be stuck in. They haven't said for how long they would ground them for.

    Take care & keep shopping strong remember our Aussie dollar is strong

  4. Oops I think the volcano drama was in Iceland not Ireland.

  5. Hi Jan and Michelle, thanks for your comments again, Stephen loves to read them too!! We are going out in to the country again today, not sure where yet. Its Stephens birthday so I'll have to buy him a gateau!!!! I gave him his binnoculars for the Grand prix this morning. I too hope the ash doesnt mess up our flights!!!!I'll try and get some pretty pics from our excursion today, take care you two, love hearing from you both
