Thursday 28 April 2011

Handy gadget 2

         Can be found on Travel stands in Department stores &  Bag shops.                         (Once again pics will enlarge when clicked on.)  


VENICE  here we come.....only a few days to go! A good friend asked me to put a pic up of the inflatable coat hanger I spoke about in an earlier post so here it is. It looked pretty boring on its own so I added a few decorative travel pieces to jazz it up. I have also put the little clothes line I take with me in the photo.  Most travellers probably know all about these items and they're nothing new but on our  trips I find them really useful.
My packing is nearly complete now and so far only 12kgs so I'm pretty pleased with that, will put a final post up with the end result before we leave! Stay posted. After that post it will finally be holiday pics...can't wait!

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