On my last trip I found this water boiler an absolute "must have!" Countless cups of tea were made with this. A lot of hotels in Europe didn't have tea/coffee facilities in their rooms. For those who like milk in their beverages we found it easy to obtain powdered milk from shops so there was no need for refrigeration.
This pic is of the disposable toothbrush kit........very handy on a long haul flight.
Went shopping yesterday for some items needed for the trip, looked at all the travel size items like shampoo etc and picked up a packet of mini toothbrushes (disposable). They have a tiny peppermint bead in them and can be used to freshen up on the plane. What a great idea and you don't have to use water with them (see handy gadget post for pic). Fortunately we have most things for travelling now but its good to keep a look out for new items!The less you can take the better!!!